"They Risk Their Lives Every Day"

Founded in 1991, The 200 Club of Sussex County is a charitable, non-profit organization comprised entirely of dedicated volunteers. The Club’s primary mission is to provide immediate financial assistance to the families of first responders who lose their lives in the line of duty. Covered first responders must be members of local police departments, fire departments, EMS agencies, the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office or the New Jersey State Police who live in or serve in Sussex County.

Through the success of our events, fundraising efforts, generous donors, and yearly membership dues, we continue to give back to our community through our Scholarship and Valor Programs.
200 Club of Sussex County is dedicated to those who serve us. All of our efforts are focused on the families of lost first responders from our Sussex County Fire, EMS, and police organizations.
Our scholarship programs have been essential in providing support to our first responder community by defraying some higher education costs of first responders and/or their children.


Anyone interested in furthering the aims and goals of The 200 Club and supporting the Sussex County Police, Fire, and EMS community is eligible for to join with sponsorship from an active member. Memberships start at $200 for an individual and run for a calendar year. You can purchase your membership through our convenient and secure online membership form.